June & July 2019 = 4 shows & 4 BOB!!!
What a summer! (till now, at least) Team Finsweng has not been represented in so many dog shows, but it has been going from success to success. Even if it hasn't been many shows, I haven't been able to keep up in pace updating this blog, and I'm sorry for this. Facebook is well up-to-date and I'll tell about our great month of May later, but now to the amazing row of our four shows we did during June and July 2019. I'm thrilled!
Four shows, four different dogs, four BOB's. First three shows where won by Finsweng Australian terriers and the forth Best-of-Breed is our Danish Princess, Trixie, who made her debut in Finland with style. In three of the shows we also showed Breeder Group and won 3x BOB and two BIS-placements. All details below. Thank you so much all involved! You make me happy and proud.
8.6.2019 Pieksämäki GDS (9 Aussies)
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BIG-3 in the strong terrier group: Finsweng Viiksivallu. Photo: Ida Turunen |
Hot day, hot results. Among the nine Australian terriers just Finsweng's got CQ's. So the BM and BB-placements of the show were these:
BOB & Best-in-Group-3: Ch Finsweng Viiksivallu aka "Vallu"
BOS: Ch Finsweng Tadaa aka "Naatti"
BB-2: Ch Finsweng Vadelmiina aka "Vattu"
BB-3 & BOB-veteran: C.I.B Finsweng Dancing Queen aka "Donna"
BOB-breeder & Best-in-Show-2-Breeder: Knl Finsweng
15.6.2019 Heinävesi GDS (10 Aussies)
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Best of Breed: Ch Finsweng Tadaa aka Naatti, and Ida |
Another hot day, and again hot results. My daughter Ida showed Naatti to BOB and Donna to BOB-veteran. In the end of the day Team Finsweng was chosen (from a great amount of groups) to BIS-3-breeder! Here the results of the four finswengs shown this day:
BOB: Ch Finsweng Tadaa aka "Naatti"
BB-2: Ch Finsweng Vadelmiina aka "Vattu"
BB-3 & BOB-veteran: C.I.B Finsweng Dancing Queen aka "Donna"
BM-4: Ch Finsweng Täystuho aka "Piko"
BOB-breeder & Best-In-Show-3-Breeder: Knl Finsweng
13.7.2019 Mikkeli NDS (18 Aussies)
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Our "Granny", 11,5-year-old Donna won double-BOB! Handled by Ida. |
After a four weeks break our team headed to Mikkeli all breed, one day show. Our Queen of the pack, 11,5-year-old Donna (C.I.B Finsweng Dancing Queen) danced in the ring and won both Best-of-Breed and BOB-veteran! Ida showed her and they are so beautiful to watch. All our results was, again, also beautiful, here:
BOB & BOB-veteran: C.I.B Finsweng Dancing Queen aka "Donna"
BB-4: Ch Finsweng Vadelmiina aka "Vattu"
BM-3: Ch Finsweng Viiksivallu aka "Vallu"
CH EXC4: Ch Finsweng Täystuho
BOS-puppy: Finsweng Xpertti
BOB-breeder: Knl Finsweng
21.7.2019 Hyvinkää NDS (12 Aussies)
What a debut in the Finnish show rings!!! Our Danish Princess, 17-months-old Trixie (Kisamba's Bonnie Blue Girl) started her shows with Grand Style by winning BOB and CAC! She has been shown just once before, in Estonia, and was also in that show the best bitch and won Estonian CAC. This lively, happy go lucky girl is our beloved pet, but seems to make also judges to love her. Let's see what the future will bring... In this show Pertti won BOB-puppy, Vallu won the strong Champion class and ended BM-2 (the top winning veteran male was best male) and our Donna was too tired of the +30 C, and was VET EXC2. In this show we just showed these mentioned four dogs, no groups.
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Trixie training. Photo taken a good week before the show. |
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