Sorry for not have updated this blog for ages! For you who have followed me on Facebook have seen that besides bringing up two litters of lovely pups we have done some showing, with, in fact, very nice results. Those pups who are co-owned by me will get their own pages soon, but here listing and some pics from our shows in May, June and July. August posting coming in the end of this month.
In May Naatti was shown twice. The 6th of May she won the junior class, was placed BB-2 under terrier specialist Maija Mäkinen and got her first Finnish CC! Just 13 months old. (you might just imagine how happy I was (and still are)) As you see on the photos below, Naatti is not so convinced... ;) The same day, at another show, her sister Tomu got the great result EXC (also in junior class)
Naatti and her first Finnish CC. Naatti thinks: Hmph, nothing to eat :) |
I'm happy, and Naatti is bored :-D |
The 14th of May Naatti won again junior clas and was placed BB-3 with res-CC. Happy!
In June (first weekend) Selma and I travelled to Tallinn, Estonia, with
Naatti and
Muro Both bitces finalized their Estonian championships during this trip! Naatti became EE JCh and won also the Estonian Junior Winner 2017 -title, and Muro became EE Ch. Happy, happy, happy!
Happy Team Finsweng in Tallinn the 3.6.2017 at IDS Estonian Winner 2017. Thank you Leena Lötjönen for the photo |
The following weekend Naatti did it again: In Pieksämäki 10.6.2017 under terrier specialist Vesa Lehtonen she won the junior class, was BB-2 and got her
2nd Finnish CC. Again happy faces :)
In July our team enterred just one show, the all breed show in Mikkeli the 8.7.2017. Great results again!
Tomu (Finsweng Trallalaa) was
BB-2 and got res-CC (photo below). Her sister Naatti was BB-3 and brother Piko won junior class with EXC and CQ (certificate class). I'm so happy and proud, and greatful for having such wonderful friends who take so well care of their Finsweng aussies.
Finsweng Trallalaa aka Tomu, was BB-2 and won res-CC in Mikkeli 8.7.17 |