I'm so happy and proud to present Team Finsweng's great results in the Top Aussie Competition 2018 (by Finnish ATC). Link to all results in all the different categories you find
Top #4 Aussie Breeder 2018 in Finland: knl Finsweng. |
Over 80 Australian terriers were entered to the competition, but in fact, much more Aussies were entered to the Finnish dog shows during year 2018, but didn't gain placements so they couldn't enter to the Top Aussie Competition.
In the Top Aussie Breeder Competition 2018 our Team Finsweng did great:
Finsweng is TOP #4 Breeder! Our local kennel club ranked us as Number One! In the All-Breed-Competition by the Finnish Kennel Club we were ranked as TOP # 68 Breeder, among the appr. 13.000 breeders in Finland. Here you find all the
results. Thank you each and everyone who have in one or other way been part of these fantastic results!
In the TOP AUSSIE 2018 Competition finswengs gained following placements:
Naatti : TOP # 13. C.I.B* Finsweng Tadaa (*waits for confirmation)
Vallu : TOP # 21. LT JCh RIGAW-18 Finsweng Viiksivallu
Donna : TOP # 36. C.I.B Finsweng Dancing Queen
Tomu : TOP # 45 . CH Finsweng Trallalaa
Vattu : TOP # 78 . Finsweng Vadelmiina
In the TOP JUNIOR 2018 Competition Vallu was placed as # 4 (among 23 juniors) and
in TOP VETERAN 2018 Competition Donna was places as # 7 (among 18 veterans).